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This is the project to renovate an old “KIYA RYOKAN”, a staying hotel founded in 1911 in Uwajima, Ehime. At this time, it adapts the new system as a staying place; one guest a day style. In taking on this project, it became clear that it had already accumulated stories rooted in its long history. Therefore, we aim to discover new “KIYA RYOKAN” by casting a light on what is already there yet a new aspect of the story by extracting the current conditions, not by adding something. Thus, we created vertical perspective in the interior space, where originally existed horizontal perspective. To the floors on second level, we replaced tatami with pellucid acrylic resin base, and removed a ceiling for the wooden frame of old roof to be seen. An 8m tall cross section provides people with new perspective. In the daytime, sunlight penetrated in through an atrium from windows at second story to floor on the first level. We painted out all the tile of the old tiled bathroom in ink black except the ones left in a line. Extracting the parts of information of what is already there with care creates a different perspective. At night, lights through façade change its strength or color like an andon (a Japanese traditional lamp with a paper shade) “KIYA RYOKAN” is constantly showing various faces to the town, which becomes the responsive act to the Uwajima as a whole.
